Monday, July 13, 2009

Let me introduce myself...

My name is D. Well, that's not my full name, but it is how you will come to know me. I am married and I am a stay at home mom (SAHM). I have a degree in Environmental Science and spent five years working in the field before declaring it quits. I just longed to be home with my children. I was fortunate enough to work for a company that allowed me to scale back to part-time after my daughter was born. However, my heart was always at home. It was even worse when I became pregnant again. I wanted nothing more than to be a SAHM and raise my kids. After a lot of discussions with my husband and a lot of number crunching, I quit my job about halfway through my pregnancy with our son. It has caused a lifestyle change to say the least. We have had to scale back on groceries, outings, vacations, etc. Some months are really hard to stay on budget (especially around birthdays and holidays). The extra income is missed, but I don't regret my decision at all. Being a mom means so much to me. Like all mothers, I have the responsibilities of several jobs... chef, maid, chauffeur, accountant, nurse, referee, multitasker extraordinaire. I am by no means the best multitasker. There are plenty of moms out there that have it together more than I do. This is my journey to keeping my sanity while facing the joys and challenges of my mommy life. Join me if you will.

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