Monday, July 13, 2009

Volatile Nature

If scientists can develop technology to predict and measure hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, why can't someone predict the mood swings of a toddler? One minute Daughter is smiling and content, the next she is screaming at me for no apparent reason. I swear sometimes she must be manic-depressive. But everyone else tells me this is normal for her age. I hope she outgrows it soon. Watching a toddler is like tracking a storm from beginning to end at high speed. You can tell a storm is brewing, and you can even tell if it's going to be a big one. What you can't do is stop it. All you can do is take shelter and hope it's enough. Seeking shelter in my mind is something I need to work on. Hard to do when sanity is fleeting most days.

Daughter is currently going through a phase of being contrary. She asks for one thing, and if you give it to her, she cries and says she doesn't want it. This applies to food, toys, activities, etc. Even if I did everything she asked of me, I would still be wrong.

I can't blame all my lost sanity on my daughter. My son can be just as bad. His moods are more predictable, but he his noisier. He squeals when he is happy and he screams when he is not. There isn't much peace and quiet in this house. Peace, yes. Quiet, not so much. Whoever coined the phrase "I can't hear myself think", must have lived in a house like mine.

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