Sleep, Oh Precious Sleep
Why does thou evade me, elude me?
You come so near that I can feel you slip through my fingers.
The cry of the insomniac is so loud in my head.
Oh, Sweet Slumber
The crying, the crying…
Oh wait, that’s the baby crying… again. And I am up… again. It is a rare night when my son sleeps without waking at least once. Those are the nights when I wake up almost panicked because I haven’t heard him. I have to sneak into his room and check to make sure he is okay. I know babies wake during the night to eat, but he is past that. He is old enough that he should sleep through the night. His problem is that he is a people person and he likes to snuggle. When he rolls over during the night and realizes that he is alone in the crib, he gets upset. I usually have to rock him back to sleep only to go through the whole process again an hour later. I was spoiled with my first child. She slept through the night by 8 weeks old. She is still a good sleeper once you get her to sleep. She likes to stay up late and sleep in late. So between going to bed late after settling Daughter down, and waking up during the night because of Son, I don’t think I’m getting the recommended hours of sleep. I read a quote somewhere that said “You can always live on less when you have more to live for.” Do you think that applies to sleep as well? That quote has become my motto as a SAHM. My children give me so much to live for that I can do without the extra income and the extra sleep. Those things will come in time, like maybe when my kids are both in school all day. Unfortunately, that is still a ways off. Daughter gave up naps and Son only takes very short naps, so Mommy doesn’t get a naptime either. However, tonight the kids are spending the night with grandparents. Sleep, Oh Precious Sleep…
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