Tragedy has struck our household. Polkadot has died. Daughter came running out to the kitchen saying "Polkadot is stuck! He's not swimming!". My fears were confirmed when I went to the fish bowl and found Polkadot lifelessly floating at the top. Explaining death to a young child was not on my list of things I want to do. However, even though Daughter was a little sad, she said goodbye and flushed her first fish down the toilet. Most of the afternoon was spent consoling her because she missed Polkadot. Then she asked if she could get another fish, or maybe even two fish... Like most parents, I said yes. So now we welcomed home Polkadot and Polkadot. That is not a misprint. She really did name her two new fish after her first one. At least it is easy for me to track of names.
Things calmed down after she got her new fish home and had a nap. When Hubby came home, he took the kids outside to play for a while. Tragedy strikes again. In Daughter's garden is a little toad house. She stuck her hand in it to see if there were any frogs... no frogs, but something was there. She stuck her hand right into a wasp nest. Fortunately she was only stung twice and Hubby was able to get the kids inside quickly. I was working on some reports when I heard them come in and Daughter was crying. She was so upset that she had gotten stung. At first she was upset because it hurt. Then she was upset because "the bees were mean". She thought all bees were nice, like Barry in Bee Movie. Then she was upset because she thought she had done something wrong and she told the wasp she was sorry, but they stung her anyway. It took awhile to convince her that she wasn't at fault. No one knew there wasps under the toad house. At least we now know that she isn't allergic to wasps.
To help her feel better and end the day on a good note, Hubby and I took the kids to the county fair. They love to see the animals. Daughter had such a good time petting goats and sheep and horses. I'm glad her bad day got to end with a smile.